Thursday, August 27, 2015
**Imporant Weekly Update Announcement**
In an effort to better serve our members and readers, CRHC would like to announce a restructuring of how information is disseminated. This will be the final week you will receive a copy of the “Weekly Update.” Instead, the information that you would normally receive in the “Weekly Update” will be presented in the “Special Delivery” emails, a monthly newsletter distributed around the 15th of every month. If you subscribe to other CRHC email lists, you will continue to get those emails. If you have any questions, you can reply to this email or give us a call. Thank you for your patience as we reorganize how we present information as your state office of rural health.
Upcoming QHi Education Sessions
QHi began in Kansas in 2004 to provide small rural hospitals a web-based enterprise-wide benchmarking tool. Since then QHi has grown into a multi-state project supporting over 300 hospitals and 83 rural health clinics in 15 states. QHi continues to adapt to remain relevant in the ever-changing realm of health care, providing trend reports and comparative analytics in the areas of clinical quality, finance, human resources and patient satisfaction.
Our next QHi Education Session is on Tuesday, August 25 at 2:00 Central Time. Darlene Bainbridge will present,"Raising Your Numbers through Effective QI" targeting the Rural Health Clinic setting. Please register here for this free webinar. Presentation materials will be distributed prior to the session.
A Back to Basics Session for all participants or those interested in the program is scheduled for Thursday, September 17 from 2:00 to 3:00 Central Time. We will review new features of the site and walk through the basics of adding users, selecting measures, entering data and running reports. Please click here to register for this free session.
Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration for Latinos
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Salt Lake City, Utah Red Lion Hotel
Attendees should include medical and behavioral healthcare providers serving Hispanic and Latino populations
There is NO REGISTRATION FEE to attend this event. Please register early to ensure your spot!
Participants are responsible for their own travel-related expenses.
Lodging is available at the Red Lion hotel at the group rate of $106/night plus tax.
Please make your reservations as soon as possible to ensure a room at the group rate.
See web page for details.
The one-day event has been pre-approved by NAADAC for 6.5 contact hours.
Participants may use their certificates to apply for CE credit through other licensing/credentialing boards.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Salt Lake City, Utah Red Lion Hotel
Attendees should include medical and behavioral healthcare providers serving Hispanic and Latino populations
There is NO REGISTRATION FEE to attend this event. Please register early to ensure your spot!
Participants are responsible for their own travel-related expenses.
Lodging is available at the Red Lion hotel at the group rate of $106/night plus tax.
Please make your reservations as soon as possible to ensure a room at the group rate.
See web page for details.
The one-day event has been pre-approved by NAADAC for 6.5 contact hours.
Participants may use their certificates to apply for CE credit through other licensing/credentialing boards.
Weekly CREATE Bulletin
What are they thinking?
The CREATE Expert Review Committee (ERC) reviews all submitted applications. Do you ever wonder what they are thinking? When you are writing your application, do you ever wish you had psychic abilities so you knew what the ERC members would think of your grant or so you knew the winning lotto numbers? Well, we may not be able to give you psychic abilities, but we can provide some guidance on how the ERC scores and ultimately decides on your application.
Your application is scored based on the following criteria and how well you articulate each part of your narrative:
Thank you for all you do for all our Colorado communities! We are here to support you, so please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.
Click here to see the CREATE deadlines and connect to the guidelines.
Thank you for all you do for our Colorado communities!
If you have any questions about the CREATE Grant process, please contact Megan Lyda at or 720-248-2742.
The CREATE Expert Review Committee (ERC) reviews all submitted applications. Do you ever wonder what they are thinking? When you are writing your application, do you ever wish you had psychic abilities so you knew what the ERC members would think of your grant or so you knew the winning lotto numbers? Well, we may not be able to give you psychic abilities, but we can provide some guidance on how the ERC scores and ultimately decides on your application.
Your application is scored based on the following criteria and how well you articulate each part of your narrative:
- Service Need – a strong grant will show convincing evidence of need for educational courses to upgrade or maintain current level of services.
- Priority to Underdeveloped or Aged Systems– you must show strong, convincing evidence of need for educational courses to upgrade or maintain current level of services
- Cost-effective budget – a good budget narrative shows strong, convincing correlation between the expenditures and the proposed project and Provides details and convincing budget notes justifying planned expenditures
- Applicant’s Qualifications - Clearly explains how the applicant’s qualifications will help ensure long-term sustainability
- System Integration - Strong, convincing evidence the education addresses and improves system compatibility
- Financial Need - Strong, convincing evidence the education addresses and improves system compatibility
Thank you for all you do for all our Colorado communities! We are here to support you, so please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.
Click here to see the CREATE deadlines and connect to the guidelines.
Thank you for all you do for our Colorado communities!
If you have any questions about the CREATE Grant process, please contact Megan Lyda at or 720-248-2742.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Next iCARE Webinar
The next monthly webinar for participants in the iCARE grant will take place on August 25th from 11-12. To register click here. Contact Caleb Siem at with any questions.
MLN Connects Provider eNews- August 20th, 2015
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In This Edition:
Countdown to ICD-10
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In This Edition:
Countdown to ICD-10
- MLN Connects National Provider Call: Countdown to ICD-10 — Last Chance to Register
- Use of Unspecified Codes in ICD-10-CM
- List of Valid ICD-10-CM Codes
- ICD-10 Clinical Concepts Guides for Specialties
- National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care and QAPI Call — Register Now
- Overview of the 2014 Annual Quality and Resource Use Reports Webcast — Register Now
- Webinar for Comparative Billing Report on CT of the Abdomen and Pelvis for Referring Providers
- Hospital Quality Reporting Program Webinars: Impact of FY 2016 Payment Rule
- Hospital Quality Reporting Webinar Series: Early Management Bundle, Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock
- Additional Participants in Pilot Project to Improve Care and Reduce Costs for Medicare
- CMS Implements Changes in its Medical Review Education and Enforcement Strategies
- ESRD QIP PY 2016 Preview Period Extended
- Get Ready for DMEPOS Competitive Bidding
- Claims Hold for Diabetic Test Strips and Other Supply Items
- “National Site Visit Verification (NSV) Initiative” MLN Matters Article — Released
- “Limiting the Scope of Review on Redeterminations and Reconsiderations of Certain Claims” MLN Matters Article — Released
- “PECOS Technical Assistance Contact Information” Fact Sheet — Revised
COPrevent: Pregnancy Related Depression Survey
Pregnancy related depression (PRD) is the number one complication of pregnancy, affecting 1 in 7 women. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is conducting research to test PRD understanding and messaging across the state. This information will assist CDPHE and partners in future health awareness campaigns with the goal of increasing general awareness about PRD among women and their support systems, and ultimately increasing the number of women seeking and receiving treatment.
A survey has been developed to gather feedback from health care providers and staff like you!
Please take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey by Friday, September 11.
Research goals:
To better understand what PRD messages you use to communicate with women and their support systems, and what resources are currently available in your area.
Access the survey.
Please share the survey with your colleagues. The more information, the stronger our messages will be for Colorado mothers.
Email Lauren Bardin at with questions or if you have trouble accessing the survey.
A survey has been developed to gather feedback from health care providers and staff like you!
Please take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey by Friday, September 11.
Research goals:
To better understand what PRD messages you use to communicate with women and their support systems, and what resources are currently available in your area.
Access the survey.
Please share the survey with your colleagues. The more information, the stronger our messages will be for Colorado mothers.
Email Lauren Bardin at with questions or if you have trouble accessing the survey.

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