Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reports from the Frontlines of Effective Crisis Management

Thursday, April 7, 2011, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time
  • Anthony A. Armada, FACHE, President, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital
  • Michael A. Fisher, President and CEO, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)
  • Uma R. Kotagal, MD, MBBS, MSc, Senior Vice President, Quality, Safety and Transformation, CCHMC; Executive Director, James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence
  • Michelle Hoppes, RN, MS, President, American Society for Healthcare Risk Management; Senior Vice President and National Director for Healthcare Risk Management and Patient Safety, Sedgwick Claims Management Services
It’s every hospital executive’s worst nightmare – a phone call carrying the news that a patient at the facility has died or been seriously injured due to an adverse event. Action is now called for on multiple fronts. Do you have a plan for what to do?
Jim Conway and three co-authors developed the IHI white paper, Respectful Management of Serious Clinical Adverse Events, to guide senior leaders on a comprehensive set of “best practices” not just to handle and respond to unforeseen incidents, but to learn from each incident so that future medical tragedies are less likely. One key is that everyone in the organization has a role to play and no one in the organization is ignored. Transparency with and attention to the needs of patients and families are foundational.
Since the IHI white paper was published in the fall of 2010, thousands of senior and frontline staff have benefited from its clarity of purpose and advice. Not only that, some organizations have turned to its guidance when faced with serious situations. We’re going to hear from two of those organizations – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and Advocate Lutheran – on the next WIHI. Their leaders – Michael Fisher, Uma Kotagal, and Tony Armada – are eager to share what they learned and continue to learn about crisis management. Jim Conway and Michelle Hoppes, a risk management expert, will offer the context in which all of health care delivery must consider its obligations to patients, staff, and the larger community when it comes to safety and principled actions if and when things go wrong.
WIHI host Madge Kaplan hopes you’ll join this important and timely discussion.
To enroll, please click here.
Jim Conway, MS, FACHE, Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement