Monday, April 23, 2012

Something you may be interested in......

Dr. Theo Alkousakis, MD, FAAD is a board certified dermatologist in the Denver area in the early stages of exploring interest in a combined Teledermatology/Rural Surgery program. The service would provide both store and forward capability for patients and providers to send images of suspicious lesions that need diagnosis or triaging and live consults for more complicated cases. Abnormal moles, skin cancers or complicated cases would then be treated with scheduled visits to the rural locations as needed, with all the patients scheduled on one day. Dermatology teaching to staff at rural clinics can be provided during those visits. I am signed up with most major insurance companies, but also would be happy to provide significant cash pay discounts for the uninsured/under insured/high deductible population, which is possible by avoiding the hassles of billing through insurance. The teledermatology interface is set up, but not operational until enough interest is seen. I am looking for feedback on the interest level and needs of the community. There are more than 50 major rural clinics in the network and if there is the need 1-3 times a week from each clinic for a dermatology consult, this would justify setting up the system as soon as possible. Please contact me at with any comments.