Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Information on a QHi benchmarking tool for RHCs

An initiative of the Kansas Rural Health Options Project, the Quality Health Indicators (QHi) benchmarking tool has allowed small rural hospitals to benchmark against self-defined peer groups to learn best practices and set targets for improvement. Currently, over 250 small rural hospitals in 16 states are participating in QHi including several of Colorado’s Critical Access Hospitals. Recently, the system has been expanded include Rural Health Clinics. Twelve Clinical Quality Measures (all NQF) and 7 Financial/Operational Measures (all Annual) have been identified and are be available for collection and reporting – see attached list of RHC measures. QHi anticipates the Library of Indicators will continue to grow.

QHi is beginning the new RHC implementation with a ‘pilot’ phase where RHCs can have free access to the site from now through August. In August, RHC’s that wish to continue utilizing the system will be charged an annual fee between $200-$500. Click here to view an informational powerpoint demo about QHi.

If you are interested in trying QHi during this pilot phase, please contact Courtnay Ryan at cr@coruralhealth.org or fax to 303-832-7496.