Thursday, September 26, 2013

CREATE Application Tip of the Week - Submitting a Complete Application

When you're applying for CREATE, it is extremely important to ensure your narratives are complete. While you may be out in your community daily and understand the need better than anyone, the ERC also needs to understand. Without a full understanding of an entity's need, circumstances and thought process for choosing courses, the ERC is less able to make a fully informed decision on whether to approve or deny an application.

What does "complete" mean? "Complete" means the ERC likes to see narratives where:
  • If a question has multiple parts, each part is addressed
  • The need for CREATE funds is exhibited through facts, examples and explanations
  • Attachments such as maps for proof of mileage, letters of support, financial documents (to read about the financial documents, click here), flyers and agendas for conferences, etc. are used to support the narratives
  • A logical, concise explanation for why the requested course(s)/conference was/were chosen over another option
This list is not all inclusive, but don't worry. Narratives don't have to be overly long or extensive; they need to express the desire of an entity to further their quality of care through education and having CREATE funds would aid in achieving that goal.

A special shout out to Haxtun Hospital for their recently approved application - the ERC considered their application to be "a near perfect example" of how to correctly fill out a CREATE application.

If there are questions about the CREATE grant narratives, please contact Lakesha Jones, Grant Manger, at For more information on CREATE, visit our web page at

Success stories? Photos? General comments about CREATE? We'd love to hear from you and feature your story in our blog. Email your feedback to Samantha Hiner, Programs Coordinator, at