Thursday, February 6, 2014

Medicare News

Expanding Customer Service Hours - February 3, 2014
In response to the high wait time to speak with a Customer Service Representative, we are expanding our hours of operation to better serve you. Effective February 3, 2014, our lines will open one hour earlier at 7:00 am CT. Please accept our apologies and be assured that we are working diligently to resolve this issue. We appreciate your patience.

Upcoming Events
JH Part B Webinar Handout: "Evaluation and Management Score Sheet Part 2- Introduction to the Score Sheet"-February 12, 2014 (1:00pm-2:00pm CT)
Join us for "Part Two-Understanding the Score Sheet" of the new series on Evaluation and Management Services. This four part series was developed to increase your understanding of evaluation and management services. The complete series will be presented every month with one part each week. It is recommended to take the entire series in order to maximize your understanding. However, if you miss any part of the series, it will be presented again the following month in the same order.

The series will consist of the following:

Week One-Part One- Understanding the Key components of Evaluation and Management.
•Week Two-Part Two- Introduction to the Score Sheet,
•Week Three- Part Three- Using the Score Sheet
•Week Four- Part Four- Scoring Medical Records Using the Score Sheet.

If you are new to documenting and/or scoring evaluation and management services, this webinar event is for you. You must attend this event. Don't miss it, register today!