Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Affordable Care Act and You: Planning for the Next Open Enrollment Period

The Affordable Care Act and You: Planning for the Next Open Enrollment Period
October 14, 2014 
2pm-3pm EST 
Join the webcast: 

Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace opens November 15, 2014!  Please join HRSA for a presentation on a range of topics including this year’s open enrollment season, re-enrollment, best practices from the first open enrollment period, and special enrollment periods.
A new wave of powerful evidence points to one clear conclusion: The Affordable Care Act is working to make health care more affordable, accessible and of a higher quality, for families, seniors, businesses, and taxpayers alike. There are many opportunities for you to engage in this important work! The presentation is open to all HRSA grantees. There will be a Q&A at the end of the webcast.