Thursday, November 20, 2014

New CMS 855R

SE1432 – Revised Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 855R Application - Reassignment of Medicare Benefits

The revised CMS 855R application will be available for use on the website as of December 29, 2014. MACs may accept both the current and revised versions of the CMS 855R through May 31, 2015, after which the revised CMS 855R application will be required to be submitted.

After May 31, 2015, MACs will return any newly submitted CMS 855R applications on the previous version (07/11) to the provider/supplier with a letter explaining that the CMS 855R has been updated and the current version of the CMS 855R (11/12) must be submitted.

Physicians, non-physician practitioners, providers, and suppliers must use the revised CMS 855R application starting June 1, 2015. The revised CMS 855R has been streamlined and some sections have been re-ordered for clarity. The revised form includes an optional section for primary practice location address. This information is shared with other programs such as Physician Compare to help beneficiaries identify where their physicians are primarily practicing. This address must be one that is affiliated with the individual/organization where the benefits are being reassigned.