Thursday, June 11, 2015

Clinics! Please Complete Your Clinic Profile

If you haven't done so already, please complete and return the 2015 Clinic Profile document to Liz Kelman at

This profile is sent out annually to all rural clinics in Colorado to be completed by clinic leadership staff. We at CRHC understand the time restraints you and your staff have and the heavy workload that you carry. It is not our intention to add to this load, but to collect pertinent information from you that will in turn help us to advocate on your behalf. It is extremely important to collect even the minimal amount of demographic data from all rural clinics in the state in order to have a unified voice in promoting services, payment reform and funding opportunities for you. In addition, having up to date contact information will ensure that you receive all updates and announcements from us in a timely manner.

Please let us know if you have any questions!