Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CRHC Webinar: The Business Side of Quality with Darlene Bainbridge

October 18, 1:00-2:30
This decade will be a time of important choices by most healthcare leaders about their business philosophies and approaches to quality. How organizations manage quality and how high they set the bar will play a significant role in determining critical business outcomes. A hospital can easily satisfy the next survey but financially, operationally and reputationally fail if its quality activities do not support it in practicing up from the rules with the goals of securing relationships, productivity and outcomes where we get it right the first time. During this session, presented by Darlene Bainbridge, we will discuss the business side of quality and taking the next steps in having our quality programs help us to secure stronger futures. This webinar is free for all Colorado CAHs; $99 per line for all others. For more information and to register, click here.