Thursday, August 7, 2014

MBQIP Data Submission Deadlines

With the recent migration of My QualityNet to the QualityNet Secure Portal, technical issues have been reported to CMS and we are addressing these issues as quickly as possible. We have also received calls that could be addressed through use of our educational resources. You will find links below to a list of User Guides and Training Videos available on the QualityNet Training page and QualityNet Secure Portal Resources page.

If you continue to experience any issues, please contact the QualityNet Helpdesk directly so that they can be thoroughly triaged and escalated to the appropriate party. In an effort to resolve reported issues as quickly as possible, we request that the QualityNet Helpdesk be the first line of contact Logging a request with the QualityNet Helpdesk allows CMS to determine emergent issues, prioritize critical fixes, and assess the need to extend submission deadlines for our Quality Reporting Programs.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to resolve reported issues and have extended the following data submission deadlines accordingly:

Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program –

o Clinical Process of Care Data and Population and Sampling data for Quarter 1 2014, formerly due on August 1, will now be due on August 21, 2014.

Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program –

o Clinical Process of Care Data formerly due on August 15, and Population and Sampling data formerly due on August 1, for Quarter 1 2014, will now be due on August 28, 2014.

o CLABSI/CAUTI or MRSA/CDI templates for hospitals selected for validation, formerly due on August 1, will now be due on August 28, 2014.

o Healthcare-Associated Infection data due on August 15 to CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) will not change.

QualityNet Educational Resources:

A summary of the issues and resolutions is available on QualityNet from the following link: