Monday, April 26, 2010

Credentialing Network – Join Now!

If you haven’t joined the Colorado Rural Credentialing Network yet, it’s not too late! As the State Office of Rural Health, CRHC has identified an increasing need to assist hospitals and clinics with credentialing issues. Credentialing of physicians and other healthcare practitioners has become a key risk management function for facilities, both large and small. Further, it has become a complex and seldom understood process. The CRHC Colorado Credentialing Network assists hospitals and clinics with credentialing issues specific to accreditation requirements, significant legislation, and civil litigation. For the annual $250 Credentialing Network membership fee, you’ll have access to a recording of the Network’s first educational webinar as well as the opportunity to participate in the three remaining quarterly webinars. You will also have access to a credentialing specialist for general questions as well as resources and networking.

For those who choose not to join the Credentialing Network, a recording of the first educational webinar is also available for $149. Topics discussed on the webinar include: the purposes of credentialing, membership vs. privileges, components of the credentialing process, data verification and assessment, as well as hot topics. For more information, email