Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Help Us Help You!!!!

Hello Rural Health Clinics,

Recently you received an email from Michelle Mills, Doug Miller and Sharon Adams regarding a rural health clinic data collection and reporting project that the Colorado Rural Health Center is working on with ClinicNET, our partner organization that advocates for all of Colorado's non-federally qualified safety net clinics. Increasingly Colorado's rural health clinics are acknowledged by state healthcare leaders, foundations, governmental entities and regulatory agencies as critical safety net providers. Your participation in the data collection project will help quantify the impact of your services on your community and Colorado's health care system at-large and grow the recognition of your work.

Please CLICK HERE to access the rural health clinic data collection survey.

Alicia Jiron is working exclusively on this project and she will be following up with rural health clinics to encourage and help facilitate their participation in this data collection effort.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for taking the time to make a difference!