Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Colorado Patient Navigator and Community Health Work Collaborative

The Colorado Patient Navigator and Community Health Worker Collaborative hopes to learn more about the resources available to clients and activities underway in the area of patient navigation, community health work and care coordination. We hope the results of this survey will help to better coordinate services within communities through an understanding of what is needed to support this work and the current status of community health work, patient navigation and care coordination in Colorado to advance the field.

As a partner in this effort, the Colorado School of Public Health is helping conduct this survey (COMIRB #13-1524). Link: https://redcap.ucdenver.edu/surveys/?s=LZJV4g

This survey is intended to capture information about the persons involved in the following role(s):

Section I: Persons actually delivering the service/care to clients

Section II: Persons directing or managing programs

Section III: Persons involved in training

Section IV: Persons conducting research

Section V: Persons involved in policy work/advocacy

Section VI: Persons who are not currently involved but have an interest

Please provide input about ALL areas applicable to your work or services. On average, the survey will take 15 minutes to complete. If you chose to share your contact information and allow your information to be released, you will receive the results of the survey. If you do not wish your contact information to be shared, the data will NOT be provided to outside agencies. We encourage you to forward this survey along to your networks and colleagues. Within the survey, there is an opportunity to provide information about networks and individuals you plan to forward/share information; or you can reply to this e-mail or andrea.dwyer@ucdenver.edu if you have any questions or ideas about survey dissemination. The results and a survey summary will be shared at the Public Health in the Rockies Conference in Breckenridge in September. There will be a special focus on patient navigation and community health work on September 19th and 20th. To register for the conference, please visit: http://www.coloradopublichealth.org/conference/.

Thank You-
Colorado Patient Navigator and Community Health Worker Collaborative
Regionalization Subcommittee

To Learn More about the Colorado Patient Navigator and Community Health Worker Collaborative, please visit: https://sites.google.com/site/copnchwcollaborative/