Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Achieving Quality Improvement in Healthcare with Lean Six Sigma

  New Date!
Friday & Saturday, June 15-16,2012, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm The CU College of Nursing Office of Lifelong Learning CE Program Announcement

Course Overview: Healthcare organizations are under increasing pressure to improve quality and customer satisfaction. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that is designed to improve the quality of care for patients by reducing errors and waiting times, which can translate into better patient workflow, fewer mistakes, improved patient and staff satisfaction, and stronger cost and profit positions for practices and hospitals. Building on a vast body of academic research into change effectiveness and 30 years of application in healthcare and HIT, this course teaches participants a practical set of Lean Sigma Healthcare tools, and the keys to implementing effective and sustainable organizational change.

Target Audience: Hospital and clinic leaders, managers, and staff who want to learn a concise set of Lean Six Sigma tools adapted specifically to healthcare. Direct care providers and all personnel who need to utilize data to positively impact patient safety and quality. Health IT personnel and those
involved in QI efforts in a variety of clinical settings.

Faculty: This course is being offered through a partnership with SigmaMed Solutions LLC, a leader in Lean Six Sigma healthcare training: Wray Paul, VP of Professional Service; Jamie Martin, President, SigmaMed Solutions, LLC. Wray and Jamie are Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts with decades of experience in the process and quality improvement industry. Wray has experience as a hospital administrator and also served as a PACs/RIS and EMR Implementation project manager for First Consulting Group. Jamie is a GE trained Six Sigma Black Belt with a diverse background in healthcare and business, including five years as an orthopedic surgical consultant, and radiology PACS/RIS process improvement specialist. Donna Dulong, CU College of Nursing, has over 20 years experience in health information technology, primarily at the senior leadership level.

Location: Anschutz Medical Campus, Ed 2 North, Rm. 1102; CNE Credit: 12.3 contact hours
Questions: or 303-724-1372
Registration Fee: $345.00
Student Fee: $325.00