New Zip Codes:
Mechanicsburg Street Address 17050
All PO Boxes 17055
Below is an example of how to address mail for the new PO Boxes:
Novitas Solutions, Inc.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-18XX
These new addresses will be reflected at various locations (where the old addresses were) on the Novitas Web site.
Note: For providers who have continued to rely on forwarding of mail from Pinnacle’s PO Boxes to Novitas’ PO boxes, this will end on July 31, 2013.
A list of the old and the corresponding new street address and the old and the corresponding new PO Boxes is attached. Please make the necessary changes needed to begin using these new addresses.
We ask that you share this information with your members as you determine is appropriate.
We ask that you share this information with your members as you determine is appropriate.