Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rural Women Veterans - Web Event and Discussion

Once again the VHA Office of Rural Health and the Rural Health Professions Institute are pleased to provide another great rural health learning event available to you live on This free broadcast may be viewed at work or at home, carries professional accreditation for your use, and promises to address issues specifically of concern to the care of rural women Veterans. We encourage you to set aside an hour, be prepared to ask questions of the presenters, interact with the other participants, and learn a little bit more about how we can all work to better meet the needs of this very special patient group.

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Join the Office of Rural Health, Rural Health Professions and Virtual VA eHealth University (vVeHU) for:

"…To Care for HER Who Hath Borne the Battle…
The Rural Woman Veteran"
7/25/2013 1:00 PM - 2:10 PM ET

Of the 22 million living Veterans in the United States today, just over 10% are women Veterans. 83% of women Veterans receive care outside of the VA, and only 170,000 enrolled women Veterans living in rural and highly rural areas of the country, it is easy for VA health care providers to not be aware of or prepared for their unique needs. However, as the population of women veterans increase, so will their need for medical care from the VA. The Office of Rural Health is preparing for that challenge by educating those who will be providing that care.

This presentation will discuss the following topics to address:
  • A history of women in the military
  • The juggling of multiple roles by women
  • Barriers to care such as clinic operating hours, transportation, and childcare issues
  • Disparities in care of problems such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, immunizations and vaccinations
  • Issues including high risk pregnancies, homelessness in rural areas
  • Diagnoses like musculoskeletal and chronic pain, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Target Audience:
Rural Health Professionals, Women’s Health Professionals, All VA Employees, Women Veterans